simon clauson

"Chatting shit since 1985"


In the middle of summer when I decided I no longer wanted to work at the pub I was at in Fulham and wanted to branch out a bit; I had no idea this is where I was going to end up.

Now, I work in a busy pub in London's West End just off of Soho. I'm currently in the process of being trained up as a Supervisor with possibilities of even further promotion.

This week I could end up throwing all of that away because of one principle -- and I'm not sure what to do.

In all my jobs I've had in the past I have never taken any time off for myself unless forced to. Some call that being a workaholic, I call it passion. 

Two weeks ago I asked my manager for some time off, mainly because I'd been working 50+ hours a week; but more because the whole time I'd been working I'd missed, not only my sister's entire pregancy (possibly a blessing in disguise if I'm honest) but also the birth of my first niece

However, management have now said that my request may not be possible because someone else booked theirs a few months before me -- which is fair enough. What I don't understand though: is why I was told when I booked the time off that it was OK and not that someone else had already asked for the same time period off. 

The whole time I've been with the company I've just felt like certain advantages have been taken out of me and that I'm being used. It's very disheartening and makes me feel like a complete sucker.

I've sought advice from lots of different people about what my next move should be with a varied mixture of opinions -- one of which being incredibly illegal (I wouldn't know the first place to get a nuclear bomb, anyway...) but some being quite wise thoughts. I know I can't leave two weeks before Christmas, that would be madness. The flip side being, though, I can't stand to be there anymore at the moment -- I honestly believe it's corroding my brain...

I guess I'll just have to ride this week out and see what the result is come the end.

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Published by Simon Clauson at 9:04 pm.


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